Hello, it’s lovely to be with you again. How are you doing?

You may recall from a recent blog that I am a qualified Life Coach as well as a writer and Reiki Practitioner (I also paint, but that’s a post for another day!) and I’m now very excited to share that this journey (or coddiwomple) has led me to train as a NLP Practitioner.

The day I received my Certificate was a day of celebration!

I’d come across NLP before and had had some brilliant results with switching negative beliefs to positive ones and I was keen to know more about how it works and I how I can use these techniques for myself and others. I’ve also seen it applied by Sports Psychology coaches on elite sports people.

After spending a considerable amount of time trawling through the internet I came across the Rebecca Lockwood Academy and after a conversation with her and some free trainings I enrolled on her Certification program, which I’m loving!

“Neuro, what?” is a comment received in reply to an Instagram post I shared this week after I had completed my Foundations Level in NLP with Rebecca.

In a nutshell, Neuro Linguistic Programming is a personal development tool to enable us to be the best and most efficient version of ourselves. It is something we can all use to live happier, more confident and fulfilled lives.

The (brief and very simplistic) definition of NLP is (and here’s “the science bit”):

  • Neuro: The nervous system. This is where our 5 senses: Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste and Feeling; process what is going on around us.
  • Linguistic: The language we use, i.e self-talk
  • Programming: Behavioural patterns learned through our experiences.

NLP has been around since the early 1970’s and was developed in the USA by a Linguistics Professor from the University of California, Santa Cruz called John Grinder and a Psychology student, Richard Bandler. It can be applied to all walks of life.

I’m so excited to begin this new journey and I look forward to sharing my experiences with you along the way.

In the meantime, is there something you are struggling with? Do you have an idea or a dream that you’d like to follow up but are not sure how? NOW is YOUR time to make it happen! I invite you to jump on a no-obligation FREE Discovery Call with me so we can discuss how Life Coaching can turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

Until next time, sending much love,

Wendy xx

Recent comments from my clients:

“I have just completed six coaching sessions with Wendy Jennings, concentrating on areas within my personal life where I needed to gain clarity and direction. Following the sessions I am definitely in a much better place and feel much more sure about the paths I need to take to love a happier and more positive life.” CB from Kent

“Wendy has helped my sons to gain clarity in what they want in life. I myself have had 6 sessions with  Wendy Jennings and unearthed some unexpected issues that we worked on together. Thank you Wendy.” AY – London

The Coddiwomple Lady