First of all I’d just like to wish you a very Happy New Year (it’s still the first week of January so I think I can still say it!)

2020 certainly gave us plenty to think about and reflect on, didn’t it? One thing that really stood out for me was how we learned to be thankful for what we have and to appreciate what is on our own doorsteps.

Therefore my Project365 for 2021 is to cultivate a Gratitude Attitude, and this is something you can do too. My own personal aim is to post on Social Media every day about something I’m grateful for.

How can a Gratitude Attitude help you?

Firstly, it lifts your mood. We all have those days when we feel like we’re knitting fog and wading through treacle. I admit I sometimes get them too! Cultivating a Gratitude Attitude instantly switches this negative thought pattern into a positive one (it is impossible to think a negative thought at the same time as a positive one) and our state of mind shifts from feeling dark and heavy to lighter. Our body language changes; we move from slumping to standing or sitting more upright, our shoulders go back and our heads lift.

And best of all, we SMILE!

This exercise doesn’t have to take a long time; it can be done in the shower every morning or when you’re boiling the kettle or when you’re driving – whenever you feel like it. Some people like to keep a Gratitude Journal or fill up a Gratitude Jar (whereby you write down something that you’re grateful for on a small piece of paper and pop it in a jar. Then, when it’s full you empty it out and have instant reminders of special moments that have filled your with joy and gratitude.)

If you’re feeling stuck for inspiration, here are some ideas to get you started:

I would suggest you start off by saying to yourself “Just for today I am Grateful for…” and then think of three things, such as:

  • My lovely, comfy bed to sleep in
  • I have a roof over my head
  • Coffee/Tea
  • Hot water for my shower or bath
  • Heating at the flick of a switch
  • My car getting me from A to B
  • Someone doing something kind for you that day like opening a door for you or making you a drink
  • Your feet for keeping you upright

I could go on, but do you see where I’m going with this? It’s a great exercise to do when you go to bed, i.e. think of the good things that have happened during the day. Or you may prefer to do it in the morning, especially if you wake up and are not looking forward to your day ahead. Thinking of something you’re thankful for will energise you and the day won’t feel so bad after all!

I would encourage you to try this for 21 days to start with and then notice how you are feeling. If you would like to join in with me on Social Media you can find my posts on my Facebook page The Coddiwomple Lady and on Instagram wendyj_thecoddiwomplelady. I would love to see you there.

Let’s get 2021 started with a buzz and fill the world with a positive Gratitude Attitude!

Until next time, thank you for reading this. Please keep safe and well and I send you much love.

Wendy x

To book your FREE coaching Discovery Call with me to turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones please contact me on, via my FB page The Coddiwomple Lady, or Instagram wendyj_thecoddiwomplelady or call 07952 715867.

The Coddiwomple Lady